Guðmundur Ingi Þorvaldsson
- All Eyes on Me, 2024Production Designer
- All Eyes on Me, 2024Producer
- Reykjavík, 2016Co-Producer
- Life and Funds, 2012Screenplay
- Life and Funds, 2012Re-recording Mixer
- Life and Funds, 2012Music Composer
- All Eyes on Me, 2024Main Cast
- Wrath, 2023Main Cast
- Wolka, 2021Main Cast
- Take 5, 2019Main Cast
- Reykjavík, 2016Main Cast
- Chasing Robert Barker, 2015Main Cast
- Fortitude, 2015Supporting Cast
- The Fifth Estate, 2013Supporting Cast
- Days of Gray, 2013Main Cast
- Makalaus, 2011Supporting Cast
- Makalaus, 2011Main Cast
- Once Upon Now..., 2006Main Cast
- Eleven Men Out, 2005Supporting Cast
- 101 Reykjavik, 2000Supporting Cast
- No Trace, 1998Main Cast
- Rooties, The, 1998Main Cast

AddressLaufásvegi 10 , 101 Rvík