Sturla Gunnarsson
- Monsoon, 2014Screenplay
- Monsoon, 2014Directed by
- Ice Soldiers, 2013Directed by
- Force of Nature, 2010Directed by
- Air India 182, 2008Screenplay
- Air India 182, 2008Directed by
- Beowulf and Grendel, 2005Producer
- Beowulf and Grendel, 2005Directed by
- Rare Birds, 2001Directed by
- Such a Long Journey, 1998Directed by
- Gerrie & Louise, 1997Directed by
- We the Jury, 1996Directed by
- The Twilight Zone, 1989Directed by
- The Ray Bradbury Theatre, 1988Directed by
- Directed by
- After the Axe, 1981Directed by