A film about four brothers and one sister, all between 62 and 82 years old, lving together on their parents' farm, Kvísker. The farm is situated just under Vatnajökull, Europe's largest glacier, isolated most of the year by huge glacial rivers on either side. In front of the farm, is an endless stretch of black sand. As children, these brothers and their sister were quite isolated and only went to school until the age of ten. Yet, each of the brothers is considered to be a specialist in his field. One has an international reputation as a scientist of birds, insects, snails and butterflies. Another is a geologist and historian. The third is a creative inventor who built most of their vehicles, machines and buildings and the oldest brother is a specialist in recording glacial displacement.
Directed by
Director of Photography
Music Composer
About the film
Length80 min.
LanguageEnglish, German
Original TitleKvísker
International TitleKvísker
Production Year1989
Production CountriesIceland
Number of Episodes2
Icelandic Film Centre GrantNo
Production FormatBetacam
Company Credits
Production Company