The short Film “Krass” is about a young man (Oli) who runs a carwash with his brother who is mentally impaired. They’re place of work is a tranquil one, almost like a home. Oli likes to sing Karaoke and Keli enjoys writing his name (although he misspells it) in different colors.
Our story starts when a customer enters and asks Oli to wash a vintage car. This customer makes it quite clear that they need to take extra good care of this car and punctuates his point by being physically threatening before he leaves. Oli washes the car and everything seems to be going well until he notices that Keli has written his name on the car. At the same moment they hear the customer arriving.
Oli in an effort to buy time to get the name off the car instructs Keli to lock the outside door. The customer being a man of great size but limited temper does not take being locked outside well. He kicks the door in and attacks Oli shaking him like a rag doll certain that the brothers have damaged the car. But looking at the car it is obvious that Oli has managed to clean everything off. The customer regains his composure and pays the bill.
When the brothers watch the customer drive away the other side of the car is revealed and there in huge letters the name of Keli is spelled (correctly now). Oli decides that they should close the car wash early.

Directed by
Director of Photography
Music Composer
Assistant Director
Key Grip
Production Assistant
Sound Design
About the film
TypeShort Film
Length8 min.
Original TitleKrass
International TitleKrass
Production Year2011
Production CountriesIceland
Icelandic Film Centre GrantYes
Main Cast
Company Credits
Production Company
Supported by
- 2012International Short Film Festival Wiz-Art, Ukraine
- 2012Nordische Filmtage Lübeck, Lübeck, Germany