The dentist Oscar has been married for five years and lives with his wife and adopted children. On the surface everything seems to be fine but Oscar is not a happy man. He wants a baby of his own flesh and blood but it's not working out. When he finds out that his wife has been deceiving him all these years he decides it's time for a change.
Einar is a stockbroker who is very successful at work but not in his personal life. For the last couple of months Einar has been living at a hotel waiting for his wife to realize the terrible mistake she made by throwing him out.
Katrin Rose returns from Sweden where she has lived for eight years. In Iceland Katrin has an eleven-year-old son, brought up by his grandmother and now Katrin wants him back. Katrin gets a job as a dentist's assistant intending to make a fresh start but her troubled past catches up with her.
Parents is the independent second part of twin features by Ragnar Bragason and Vesturport exploring the roles of children and parents. The first part, Children, was released in 2006.

Directed by
Director of Photography
Music Composer
Assistant Director
Assistant Editor
Boom Operator
Camera Assistant
Color Grader
Executive Producer
Ink and Paint
Line Producer
Location Manager
Music Conducted by
Music Performers
Production Assistant
Production Manager
Re-recording Mixer
Script Supervisor
Sound Design
Sound Editor
Sound Engineer
Special Make-up Effects
Stills Photography
About the film
TypeFeature Film
National Premiere DateJanuary 19, 2007
Length87 min.
Original TitleForeldrar
International TitleParents
Production Year2007
Production CountriesIceland
Icelandic Film Centre GrantYes
Production Format35mm
Aspect Ratio1.85:1
ColorBlack & white
Screening format and subtitles35mm film with English sub. DCP with; English, German sub. in production.
Main Cast
Supporting CastJóna Guðrún Jónsdóttir, Karl Guðmundsson, Pétur Rögnvaldsson, Reine Brynjólfsson, Gunnar Hansson, Þrúður Vilhjálmsdóttir, Hera Ólafsdóttir, Þórunn Káradóttir, Brian Patrick Fitzgibbon, Eyþór Björn Arnórsson, Bjarmi Á. Bergsteinsson, Stefanía Arna Víkingsdóttir, Ágústa Eva Erlendsdóttir, Helga Jónsdóttir, Edda Arnljótsdóttir, Benedikt Erlingsson, Þröstur Leó Gunnarsson, Sólrún Yngvadóttir, Dimitra Drakopoulou, Daniela Dobrin, Hulda Júlíanna Jónsdóttir, Halldór Bachmann, Sigurpáll Hólmar Jóhannesson, Árni Filippusson, Magnús Ragnarsson
Company Credits
Production Company
In Partnership With
Supported by
- 2016Ultima Thule, ýmsir sýningarstaðir, Pólland
- 2009Plus Camerimage Film Festival
- 2009Scandinavian House
- 2008100.000 Retinas
- 2008Icelandic Film Focus
- 2008Icelandic Film Cultural Event
- 2008Istanbul International Film Festival
- 2008Wisconsin Film Festival
- 2008Icelandic Institute
- 2008Cleveland International Film Festival
- 2008Scandinavian House
- 2008Scandinavian Film Festival
- 2008Palm Springs Film Festival
- 2007Filmfest Hamborg
- 2007Karlovy Vary International Film Festival
- 2007Edda Awards - Award: Feature Film of the Year. Director of the Year. Actor of the Year in a Leading Role (Ingvar E. Sigurðsson). Actress of the Year in a Leading Role (Nanna Kristín Magnúsdóttir). Screenplay of the Year (Ragnar Bragason, Nanna Kristín Magnúsdóttir, Ingvar E. Sigurðsson, Víkingur Kristjánsson and the cast). Cinematography and editing og the Year (Cinematography: Bergsteinn Björgúlfsson).
- 2007Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival
- 2007Euro Film Festival
- 2007San Sebastian
- 2007Denver Film Festival
- 2007Pusan International Film Festival
- 2007Rotterdam International Film Festival
- 2007Brisbane International Film Festival
- 2007Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival
- 2007Helsinki International Film Festival
- 2007Images Groningen
- 2007Raindance Film Festival
- 2007Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival
- 2007Riga Nordic Film Days
- 2007Rome International Film Festival
- 2007Cannes International Film Festival
- 2007Sydney Film Festival
- SAM myndir, 2006-2008 - DVD