Summer Children
Siblings Eydís and Kári are only five and six years old when their parents' marriage breaks apart. Following the divorce they are sent temporarily to a children's home in the countryside. But when the stay turns out to be longer than they had expected, Eydís and Kári take matters into their own hands.
Where to watch
Directed by
Director of Photography
Music Composer
About the film
TypeFeature Film
National Premiere DateOctober 12, 2017, Bíó Paradís
GenreFamily, Drama
Length84 min.
LanguageIcelandic, German
Original TitleSumarbörn
International TitleSummer Children
Production Year2017
Production CountriesIceland, Norway
Icelandic Film Centre GrantYes
Production FormatHD
Screening format and subtitlesDCP, English subtitles.
Main Cast
Supporting CastGuðlaug Elísabet Ólafsdóttir, Jóhann G. Jóhannsson, Þuríður Blær Jóhannsdóttir, Magnús Guðfinnsson, Margrét Birta Björgúlfsdóttir, Dagur Ingi Axelsson, Sindri Leon Baldvinsson, Aðalbjörg Emma Hafsteinsdóttir, Aþena Mist Kjartansdóttir, Bjarni Kristbjörnsson, Daníel Orri Woodard, Hektor Orri Ingimarsson, Helgi Myrkvi Valgeirsson, Karen Lind Ingimarsdóttir, Lúkas Hrafnsson, Olíver Örn Davíðsson, Rakel Ýr Fjölnisdóttir, Sigurður Páll Matthíasson
Company Credits
Production Company
Co-Production Company
Supported by
International sales
- 2019Tokyo Northern Light Festival
- 2018Noordelijik Film Festival, Holland
- 2018Cinekid Festival
- 2018Oulu International Children's and Youth Film Festival
- 2018Riga International Film Festival
- 2018Nordische Filmtage Lübeck - Award: Children’s and Youth Film Award of the Gemeinnützige Sparkassenstiftung
- 2018International Filmfestival Mannheim-Heidelberg, Þýskaland
- 2018XIII International Film Festival Within the Family, Rússland - Award: Awards: Audience award
- 2018Valencia International Children‘s Film Festival
- 2018Tel Aviv International Children's Film Festival
- 2018Zlín Film Festival
- 2018Titanic Budapest International Film Festival
- 2018FIFEM - Montreal International Children's Film Festival - Award: INIS Award.
- 2018Kosmorama Trondheim International Film Festival
- 2018Scandinavian Film Festival LA
- 2017Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival
- 2017The Norwegian International Film Festival Haugesund